
Mostly fitness with some reading sprinkled in!

About me


What to say? I have been a bookworm my entire life. I learned to read at a very young age and read book after book after book. Great for my intellectual development, not so great for my physical development. Something amazing happened in my early teens when I discovered dance; it was a way to socialize and be active, and it turned out that I loved it!

I was soon dancing in group hip-hop and jazz competitions, by 17 I was teaching adorable little kids dances for recitals and competitions, at 18 I started taking college classes in biology, nutrition, and fitness, by 19 I was a certified personal trainer working out of a gym, and around 20 I joined a running group and started training for half-marathons (I completed a half-marathon once). I have since taken more classes in biology, nutrition, and fitness, and have also tried a ton of (sometimes crazy) fitness classes along the way! Now, a decade later, I’m still setting new goals and expanding my fitness horizons. I am also still a bookworm!

My love of fitness has given me so much joy – whether I’m running through my neighborhood on a beautiful fall day, hiking along a creek in the Mount Hood Wilderness with sweat dripping off my nose, or snowboarding in Aspen knowing there’s a great bottle of wine and a book at the bottom, staying fit has not only given me something to occupy my time, but it’s allowed me to do things I once could only dream of.

I have an overwhelming desire to experience EVERYTHING in life. My two greatest passions are fitness and reading, and I have a dream of lying on a beach with a great book and looking really fly doing it! This blog is my way of marrying my two passions and sharing them with everyone else who loves books or wants to get fit. You will see me post my goals and my successes, and in turn I hope I can help and inspire you on your journey.

I also love golf, cooking, trying new foods, wine tasting (I am proof that you can love wine and be fit too!), traveling, my cat Maylene, and my awesome husband Tony (for whom failures are not an option).

-The Bikini Bookworm

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79 thoughts on “About me

  1. Many thanks for the follow. I too learned to read from an early age and to this day, I am very rarely without a book. Unfortunately I can’t say I’m very active – unless I’m running to the library or book store! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wonderful about me, inspiring and motivating. I m so happy that you have not looked back since you were 17, that is something big and your hard work shows in your work, as does your happiness. Keep it up 🙂 If you don’t mind me asking, whats your name? If you are keeping it a secret then no worries 🙂 See you again

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Sounds fun! And I certainly like to stay fit, and read in between. I’m now really into NIA (dance exercise with tai chi and yoga thrown in there) – have you ever added that to your fitness routine? Thanks for finding me at roughwighting.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I stopped by to thank you for following my blog. Haven’t even had time to write one lately. I’ll have to get on the ball again. We have the love of books in common. The fitness part, well, I’m working on that the best way a tippy old lady can. Slowly. 🙂 I’ll be back to visit you again as soon as possible. Hopefully this week.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Great to meet someone who follows her passion and having s much fun too. I love reading books too but need to create more time like i once used to. Thanks for visiting and following my blog.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Nice to meet you i am a writer of wordy things and a reader of the same, my hunger for words is huge which leaves me sitting for most of the day. Unless I want to become a gigantic writer of words I need to keep fit. I walk 20 of so mies a week and my christmas present from my best beloved is a Dutchie bicycle. Past surgeries leave me unable to run, lift, or bounce 😱😨😵 so I hope between walking (hard with inclines) and cycling around hilly Somerset i will hold off the spread. 😇

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi it’s great to meet you! Do you spend more time reading or writing? It sounds like you’re doing a great job of exercising, all things considered! Cycling is such a great way to stay fit without putting too much strain on your body 🙂 Best of luck!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Thanks for the follow. You look so fit! I too like reading and exercise. I do about 5kms a day (walking) and one visit to the gym a week. I’m looking forward to catching up on my reading over Christmas break. I wish you a very happy Christmas 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Thank you so much for taking the time to visit my blog. I have been very bad recently about getting any new content on there and have resorted to posting old posts from my other blog. ARGHH! I hope to be more productive with my writing after the holidays and will be visiting your site to see if there are any tips I can glean about how to work off the holiday excesses. Hope your holidays are very happy. Thanks again. Cheers!


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