It’s easy to get caught up in the fads and fancy exercises that are being advertised to us regularly. A lot of these exercises and programs are designed for experienced exercisers with no injuries or disabilities. They can require a lot of equipment and be difficult to perform correctly. But you don’t need a lot of equipment, space, or experience to get a good workout in! There are some basic exercises that the majority of us can and should work on regularly to improve our overall strength. Always check with your doctor first if you are injured or recovering from an injury. The following exercises will improve your overall strength, physique, and functionality.

  • Walking/jogging. If you’re new to cardio or are trying to lose weight, walking is a free and easy way to start. Add in jogging as you can. You will burn calories, improve leg strength, and build endurance.
  • Planks. Planks are great for all levels because you can modify them or make them more difficult in so many ways. Start with a basic plank and hold it for as long as you can, then add more time as you get stronger. Once you can hold a basic plank for a full minute, you can add in shoulder taps or do them on one foot. Done correctly, planks will improve core and arm strength.
  • Push-ups. Push-ups can be very difficult if you’re just starting, but you can improve them pretty quickly with regular practice! It’s very rewarding to build up your number. Start on your knees if you need to and work your way up to real push-ups. They are an excellent exercise to work on many body parts simultaneously: back, chest, abs, and arms.
  • Squats. These are awesome because you can do them literally anywhere – they can be done quickly and you don’t have to put your hands on a germy floor. I have been known to bust out a couple in a public bathroom, at a friend’s house, or in my kitchen. Make sure to put your weight in your heels and go down as far as you can without your knees extending in front of your toes. These improve leg strength, core strength, and balance. They are also an exercise you can make more difficult in multiple ways.
  • Stretch! Do basic stretches for your legs, back, and chest to improve overall flexibility and circulation. Stretching is crucial for preventing injuries.


Whether these exercises are overwhelming to you or you mastered them long ago, they are basic exercises that should always be part of your training routine! We can all benefit from extra strength and endurance in our daily lives.

How do you modify these exercises? Or make them more difficult?